Sean Hannity will defend freedom of speech, but doesn't like The Onion talking about him

On his TV show, Sean Hannity gave an "important" free speech monologue, then complained about a satirical article

Published June 2, 2017 2:50PM (EDT)

 (Fox News)
(Fox News)

Fox News host Sean Hannity said Thursday that he was going to deliver "one of the most important opening monologues" he's ever given in support of free speech. That was just a few hours after he erupted over The Onion writing a story about him.

On "Hannity" Thursday night, the right-wing commentator addressed Kathy Griffin's picture of President Trump's severed head, saying that he didn't condone the comedian's actions, but never thought she should be fired over it.

It's a pretty consistent position Hannity has had, and he reminded viewers that he didn't agree with comedian Stephen Colbert, but didn't want to promote the #FireColbert movement either. Hannity also played clips of himself defending Bill Maher for inappropriate comments he's made over the years, once again reminding everyone that though he may not agree with what's being said, he would never take away their right to say it.

But after asking viewers why the left wasn't supporting his right to free speech when he clearly was supporting theirs, he brought up something that bothered him from earlier in the day: an article, published two weeks earlier, that featured a photoshopped picture of a bunch of minature Sean Hannitys emerging from the desiccated corpse of Roger Ailes.

The article, by the way, was written by The Onion.

The end of Hannity's monologue attacked the satirical website for posting such an image.

"What is wrong with the left that they think these sorts of things are funny?" he tweeted Thursday night.

Twitter, of course, couldn't help but point out the glaring irony between Hannity's monologue and the tweets that surfaced later.

There were some who were sympathetic to Hannity's remarks, but for the most part, Twitter users pointed out that his tweets and complaints didn't make him an advocate for free speech, instead they just made him a snowflake.

By Katie Serena

MORE FROM Katie Serena

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Bill Maher Free Speech Kathy Griffin Media Sean Hannity Snowflakes Stephen Colbert