Tomi Lahren makes statement about Texas mass shooting — and a Texan shut her down immediately

Lahren acted as if she were the voice of all Texans, until Texans came for her

Published November 6, 2017 3:38PM (EST)

Tomi Lahren (Getty/Joshua Blanchard)
Tomi Lahren (Getty/Joshua Blanchard)

On Sunday, Devin Patrick Kelley shot and killed 26 people during a service at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Amidst the inevitable cry for stricter gun-control laws that followed in the shooting's wake, right-wing pundit and Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren decided to chime in.

In a tweet, Lahren sarcastically dared those in favor of increased firearms restrictions to take it up with a Texan. For the record, Lahren lives in Dallas, but has only resided there since 2015.

Brandon Friedman, former deputy assistant secretary of public affairs at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and, more importantly, a Texas resident and gun owner, was quick to respond.

Friedman also took aim at a talking point that many right-wing defenders of Texas' broad open-carry laws have been using since the shooting. These gun-rights advocates have focused on the fact that there was a shootout between Kelley and a gun-owning churchgoer, using it as proof that "the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." Friedman and many others worked to dispel that narrative.

Good points, all.

Lahren has been a vocal opponent of gun control since she began garnering mainstream attention after The New York Times called her a "rising media star." But that doesn't seem to be what Lahren always believed. Earlier this year, a video surfaced from her college news program in which she said gun control was "a multi-dimensional issue."

Lahren responded by saying that she was acting as as "moderator of a panel," which was true in a bunch of clips that were released on Twitter in January, but not the gun control clip. When Lahren said that gun violence was a "mutli-dimensional issue," she wasn't in the traditional "moderator" spot in the center of the shot. Nor was she reading off a script, she did while moderating this clip on climate change. She also said "I think" quite a bunch for someone who's not giving her opinion.

Alas, it was soon business as usual back on Lahren's Twitter feed.

By Jarrett Lyons

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