Meet your 2018 fitness goals with these wireless earbuds

These won't fall off during stretches, yoga or running, and they're sweat-proof too

Published December 24, 2017 3:00AM (EST)

Got a fitness goal in mind for 2018? These FRESHeBUDS Pro Magnetic Bluetooth Earbuds can help power you through your toughest workouts, with an advanced model that makes strides over previous versions.

These lightweight buds are comfortable, wire-free and weather-proof — meaning they'll outlast sweat, mask the sound of traffic on your runs, and fit snugly in your ears — whether you're trying out a new cardio routine or yoga sequence.

With an enhanced battery life, these buds automatically pair with your phone when pulled apart so you don't have to go through any setup and last for six hours of playtime. Even better, they'll recharge in just 90 minutes — they'll turn off when placed together, and turn on when pulled apart.

No more excuses this year: usually these FRESHeBUDS Pro Magnetic Bluetooth Earbuds are $119.95 — but you can get them now for $29.95, further reduced from the original sale price of $39.99, or 75% off the original price.

By Salon Marketplace

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