Learn the skills you need to master project management

Published March 7, 2018 7:00AM (EST)

Most companies need project managers to help manage their day to day operations — from strategic, long-term projects to quarter-long objectives; project managers are the people who interact with the product, marketing, and sales teams to ensure that business goals move forward. Take advantage of the demand for project manager roles and learn how to successfully execute a project with the eduCBA Project Management Lifetime Subscription Bundle.

You'll get 24/7 access to more than 100 complete courses and 400+ hours of content. Learn the most in-demand project management methodologies, like Agile, Lean, Scrum and more, and become well-versed in software project management, performance analysis, TQM and more.

Even if project management concepts are newer to you, this bundle will familiarize you with the terminology and concepts that are foundational to the mechanics of conducting a successful project. Take mock tests and online quizzes to enhance your learning, and earn certificates of completion for each course you finish.

By the time you run through all the courses, you'll have enough knowledge to jumpstart a lucrative new career. Usually, the eduCBA Project Management Lifetime Subscription Bundle is $797, but you can get it now for $29, or 96% off.

By Salon Marketplace

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