"Star Wars" trolls drove Kelly Marie Tran off social media, exposing an ugly side of fandom

Why does the dislike of a character translate into racist and sexist language directed at the actress?

Published June 8, 2018 3:30PM (EDT)

Kelly Marie Tran (AP/Jordan Strauss)
Kelly Marie Tran (AP/Jordan Strauss)

The Mary Sue

Even before the polarizing backlash against "The Last Jedi," actress Kelly Marie Tran, who played Rose Tico in the film, was the subject of racist and sexist harassment. Still, it was surprising when Tran’s Instagram account vanished [this week]. While no official statement has been made by Tran, many of us have seen it as a response to that horrible treatment.

And this is the thing I don’t get: you can dislike Rose as a character, but why does that have to translate into racism and sexist language directed at an actress? Do you realize she did not write the character? She is performing a role and if you want to complain about how terrible you think her arc in the movie was, fine — it doesn’t mean going into her accounts and harassing her.

Read the rest of the article at The Mary Sue.

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