Kellyanne Conway calls critics "jealous" after being asked how she reconciles her faith with WH job

"I forgive my critics and I pray for them,” Conway said during a Christian radio show

Published November 24, 2018 6:59PM (EST)

Kellyanne Conway (AP/John Minchillo)
Kellyanne Conway (AP/John Minchillo)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story

White House advisor Kellyanne Conway has faced her share of criticism for working for President Donald Trump — including from her own husband.

On Wednesday, in an interview on the Christian radio show Journeys of Faith with Paula Faris, Conway was asked how she reconciles her Catholicism with working in the Trump administration.

“You’ve said that your faith is the bedrock of your life. I know you couldn’t do your job without your faith. But how hard is that to reconcile with . . . your personal faith does sometimes clash with the policies that are being administered by this administration,” Faris pointed out.

“How do you reconcile that? You had a hard time with the migrant families that were being torn apart. As a Catholic you said that that was hard. How do you reconcile that?” Faris asked.

“Where my faith has been most important since I took this job is in trying square what people who I know to be generally good people who I like to see the best in. . . how vicious and personal and just awful they’ve been toward the President and certainly me,” Conway said.

“People I’ve known for decades. I don’t know if they’re motivated by jealousy or self-doubt or avarice. . . I don’t know what’s motivating them . . . but to be so horribly personal and amoral in their criticisms is not, and not policy criticisms, personal criticisms,” she continued.

“That’s where my faith has played a big role for me because I need to forgive them almost immediately. I forgive my critics and I pray for them.”


By Tana Ganeva

MORE FROM Tana Ganeva

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