The best bags you could own are the ones that can do many things. It's rare to find a backpack that's sleek enough for your morning commute to the city and give you an equally cosmopolitan look when you go to the airport — mostly because backpacks tend you make you look (and feel) like you're ten years old on your way to summer camp again. Ditch the ratty, adolescent pack and use this Urban 21 Commuter Bag instead — it's loaded with features that keep you organized and ready to take on your day, plus it's perfect to tote in all-weather, with a 100% waterproof front pocket and hardshell pocket.
Naturally, your usual commuter bag can carry some pretty precious cargo. Keep your devices (including your work laptop) safe with the padded laptop pocket, which can fit up to a 15" laptop. There's also specially-designed padding on the back of the bag that features comfort foam and porous mesh, so even in the dead of summer, it ventilates sweat and heat to keep your back cool and dry.
The bag is also designed with stabilized weight distribution in mind, you can use both vertical and horizontal space equally well, meaning no odd lumps, empty crevices, and uncomfortably uneven carrying weight. Even better, there's anti-theft pockets for some extra peace of mind, with RFID blocking keep your valuables safe and secure.
Usually, this Urban 21 Commuter Bag is $239.99, but you can get it here for $185.

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