Fox News anchor mocked after claiming it costs "nearly $11 for a gallon of milk"

“It’s one milk, Michael. What could it cost? $11?”

Published April 22, 2022 1:09PM (EDT)

Voting Machines | Fox News Logo (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)
Voting Machines | Fox News Logo (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

Fox News anchor Sandra Smith claimed that a gallon of milk cost her nearly $11 during a recent segment, quickly provoking a round of Twitter mockery

"I bought a gallon of milk last night — granted, we live in New York, things are higher priced than a lot of areas in the country — it's nearly $11 for a gallon of milk at a New York grocery store," Smith said as the cable news chyron read "Inflation Nation."

Users were quick to refute Smith's statement, however, with many New York residents seemingly fact-checking by sharing the current prices of a gallon of milk at grocery stores such as Whole Foods and Gristedes. 

One user's quip evoked the famous line from "Arrested Development.": "It's a banana Michael, what could it cost? $10?"

RELATED: CNN's milk report: Why right-wing misinformation will always get amplified by the mainstream media

H/T: Media Matters 

By Madeleine Beck

MORE FROM Madeleine Beck

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