Russia funnels millions into outlets promoting propaganda in the US

Russian state media groups still have influence on US media, according to Politico

Published October 28, 2022 2:30PM (EDT)

Russian President Vladimir Putin (MIKHAIL TERESHCHENKO/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images)
Russian President Vladimir Putin (MIKHAIL TERESHCHENKO/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story


On Thursday, Politico reported that while services like YouTube and DirecTV have booted off Russian state propaganda networks, the Kremlin is still pumping millions of dollars into the U.S. media through other means.

"Between April and the end of September, Russian state media group Rossiya Segodnya funneled $3,284,169 to Ghebi, a company that produces articles, newswires and a number of radio shows," reported Daniel Lippman. "During that same period, Ghebi spent $2,183,640.72 on behalf of its client, according to an October filing with the Department of Justice made under the Foreign Agents Registration Act."

"That same month, Rebel Media Productions — a company run by controversial former local news anchor Benjamin Swann — registered to represent the Russian government-backed media organization TV Novosti," said the report. "The production company would oversee video production for TV Novosti and other clients, focusing solely on the Indian, Chinese, and South American TV markets. A filing also noted that Rebel Media Productions had received $609,792 to pay laid off RT America employees."

Russia's influence in the United States came under heavy scrutiny in 2016 when it was revealed they were employing troll farms to sow chaos in the 2016 presidential election, partly to boost Donald Trump's campaign.


By Matthew Chapman

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