VMAs play strange 23-second tribute to Robin Williams, Twitter responds with outrage

The actor and comedian's death jarred the entertainment industry, but this tribute was tone-deaf

Published August 25, 2014 1:56PM (EDT)

 Robin Williams VMA tribute         (screenshot/MTV VMAs)
Robin Williams VMA tribute (screenshot/MTV VMAs)

Last night the MTV VMAs paid tribute to departed actor and comedian Robin Williams. "Robin Williams’ death rocked the entertainment world," MTV News noted, and the award show, dedicated to celebrity, took a moment to mark the passing of a bright star.

It was well intentioned. The execution -- photos fluttering briefly over a Coldplay track -- however, was rather botched. And folks on Twitter noticed.

The 23-second tribute to Robin Williams was decried on Twitter as too short, and oddly placed.

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Watch the tribute below:

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2014 VMA, Artists.MTV, Music

Billy Crystal will pay tribute to Robin Williams tonight on the Emmys. Here's hoping they do better.

By Sarah Gray

Sarah Gray is an assistant editor at Salon, focusing on innovation. Follow @sarahhhgray or email sgray@salon.com.

MORE FROM Sarah Gray

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