Megyn Kelly: It's not "appropriate" for protesters to stare at cops, even if they have a 1st Amendment right to do so

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik agreed, saying the staring teen "wants to instigate" something

Published November 25, 2015 1:25PM (EST)

 Megyn Kelly (Credit: Fox News)
Megyn Kelly (Credit: Fox News)

On the Tuesday evening edition of "The Kelly File," host Megyn Kelly argued that peaceful protesters in Chicago may have the right to stare at police officers, but that it's "inappropriate" for them to do so.

Kelly was discussing the protests that erupted in the city after the release of video of Officer Jason Van Dyke shooting 17-year-old Laquan McDonald last October -- in particular, she was addressing a scene at one of them in which a young black man was starting down a Chicago police officer.

"We're seeing an extraordinary moment," Kelly said, showing video of the young man and the cop. "Look what's happening here."

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik said "Listen, you have guys like this, you know, they want to instigate."

But radio host Richard Fowler disagreed, asking "What is he instigating?"

"Richard, look at him," Kelly said. "This is a cop out there accused of doing nothing wrong, trying to keep the peace."

"This guy is having a silent protest with this police officer," Fowler said. "This is his First Amendment right."

"He gets right in his face and stares him down?" Kelly asked. "This cop hasn’t done anything wrong."

Fowler noted that it's his First Amendment right to stare down police officers, but Kelly insisted that "it's not a question of what his constitutional rights are -- it's a question of what's appropriate."

Watch the entire segment below via Media Matters.

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