Cubs star Jason Heyward was called the n-word and booed by Cardinals fans in his return to St. Louis on Monday night, according to the Daily News.
In addition to being shouted down every time he touched the baseball or stepped into the batter’s box, ESPN mics picked up multiple Cardinals fans hurling racial slurs at him, the Daily News reported.
The right fielder — who signed an eight-year, $184 million contract with the Cubs the in the offseason after playing one year with the Cardinals — was apparently unaware of the racial slurs, but said he was fine about being booed.
“You hear it,” Heyward told ESPN. “It’s fun. They don’t boo too often. It must be someone important or someone doing something worth booing.”
However, according to Deadpsin, no actual slurs were heard on the broadcast. ESPN told Deadspin game audio was being reviewed, but "to their knowledge no slurs had been picked up."
Outraged fans took to Twitter to express their disbelief at the profanities used against Heyward.
Careful #StLouis, your hoods are showing! #mlb
— Michael Eaves (@michaeleaves) April 19, 2016
Just shocking to me that Jason Heyward would want to leave a city whose fans called him the n word last night. — Jim Adair (@jimadair3) April 19, 2016
I'm not shocked Jason Heyward got called the n-word by Cardinals fans. I am shocked some Cubs fans don't think it'd happen here too. — Ross Read (@RossRead) April 19, 2016
Jason Heyward has been referred to via N-word 2x already on audio by Cardinal fans in return to St. Louis. Stay classy #BestFansInBigotry — A.J. Manuzzi (@AJMoz19) April 19, 2016
Hey @Cardinals how about addressing your racist fans calling Heyward the N-Word? Or will you just ignore it?
— Jr Terrazas (@JLJR) April 19, 2016