The Alliance Defending Freedom, one of the most powerful right-wing legal groups in the country, is persistently misrepresented as merely a “Christian legal organization.” Networks fail to mention the group’s outstanding record of defending anti-civil rights laws, reports Media Matters.
In fact, the group is a right-wing legal powerhouse, says Media Matters, linked to almost all recent attacks on LGBQT equality and women’s reproductive rights. The group previously testified against Planned Parenthood, was a major player in the Supreme Court's "Hobby Lobby" case and drafted North Carolina’s bathroom bill.
Unfortunately, news networks often identify The Alliance Defending Freedom as a “Christian” or “conservative” legal organization, failing to mention the group’s backstory of smearing LGBQT campaigns and criminalizing homosexuality, according to Media Matters. For example in Belize and Jamaica, the group helped defend laws that would put gay people in prison.
Terrifyingly, the group also opposes anti-bullying efforts, because it believes that they will indoctrinate young children into homosexuality. The group’s current president, Alan Sears also co-wrote a book that claims homosexuality and pedophilia are “intrinsically linked.”
Mediamatters states, news networks that give The Alliance Defending Freedom airtime to defend pushing back LGBQT and abortion rights should at least be honest with audiences about what the group represents, rather than introducing them as a conservative legal group.
Watch the Media Matters segment below: