Watch Rand Paul act intensely awkward when Donald Trump enters the room

The Kentucky senator may have sold his soul for a chance to destroy Obamacare — but now he has to live with Trump

Published October 12, 2017 3:37PM (EDT)

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., had an awkward, yet hilarious, reaction when President Donald Trump walked into a room in the White House on Thursday to sign his executive order on health care.

Republicans have spent months trying to repeal and replace Obamacare but utterly failed to do so after railing against the bill for the last seven years.

Fed up with the gridlock, the president circumvented Congress and signed an executive order that aims to hack away at key provisions of the law. The order is "aimed at expanding access to loosely regulated health insurance plans -- a move that could give consumers more coverage options but also destabilize Obamacare markets," Politico reported.

When Trump entered the room to sign the order on Thursday, Paul looked even more uncomfortable than Chief of Staff John Kelly infamously looked while the president delivered his speech at the United Nations General Assembly last month.

Trump shook hands with others in the room but didn't so much as glance at Paul, as the senator squirmed and had a visible look of discomfort on his face. The two have had a very contentious relationship, as Paul has refused to support fellow Senate Republicans on their previous plans.

Take another look at the awkward exchange, this time set to the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" theme song.

But Paul has been ultimately happy with Trump's signing of the executive order, and in a Breitbart News op-ed on Thursday he said he's been "working with President Trump and his Cabinet for months to get this done."

Congress may have failed to act — but President Trump and I haven’t. We’ve been working on this behind the scenes.

So what does that mean for you, the healthcare consumer?  Well, first of all, it means millions of people who now go it alone or in very small groups will join together and make the CONSUMER THE KING, with increased bargaining power and better prices.

Paul came off as enthusiastic in his opinion piece, but his reaction when Trump entered the room makes it seem as if not much has actually changed.

By Charlie May

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