Snack smarter with this food dehydrator

Published August 23, 2018 7:00AM (EDT)

Dried fruit, jerky, and other dehydrated foods are a great way to snack healthy: they easily pack up as a workday treat, they last significantly longer than fresh fruits and veggies, and they still have the satisfying crunch and chewy texture you’d get from processed snacks like potato chips. However, stocking up on dehydrated fruits and veggies isn’t cheap, and grocery store options can be packed with added salt or sugar. The Haus 5-Layer Food Dehydrator lets you make the healthiest dried snacks around all on your own.

Haus’s food dehydrator uses the latest technology and an internal fan to quickly and evenly distribute heated air throughout its five drying trays. You can pack the food-safe, BPA-free trays with everything from fruits and vegetables to herbs to beef and turkey for jerky fans. In a matter of minutes, you’ll be well-stocked with dried treats that maintain the nutrient counts of their fresh friends, and you won’t have to worry about extra calories from pesky added sugar or salt.

Typically, $59.99 would be standing between you and delicious dehydrated fruits and snacks from Haus’s 5-Layer Food Dehydrator, but right now the device is on sale for just $39.99 (that’s a savings of 33%).

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