Ingraham warns Trump to ignore advice from those who advocated for the Iraq War, like herself

Laura Ingraham’s shift in stance on the Iraq War has been criticized from the right

Published January 8, 2020 6:30AM (EST)

Laura Ingraham (AP/Mark J. Terrill)
Laura Ingraham (AP/Mark J. Terrill)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story

Fox News personality Laura Ingraham counseled President Donald Trump on Monday to ignore advice from those who advocated for the Iraq War.

“It’s important for the president to listen to his gut here, that he doesn’t listen to the same people who got us sucked into Iraq in the first place,” Ingraham said.

“The ‘Bush Doctrine’ is dead,” she declared. “And Trump helped bury it. Thank God.”

Among those who she should be ignored is apparently Ingraham herself, according to an expert in monitoring right-wing media.

“Ingraham was one of the most prominent Iraq war advocates and champion of the ‘Bush Doctrine,'” wrote Angelo Carusone, the president of Media Matters for America.

Ingraham’s shift in stance has also been criticized from the right.

“Laura Ingraham has changed her mind on the Iraq War: The popular conservative radio host used to be for it, now she thinks the 2003 invasion was a terrible foreign-policy blunder,” wrote the National Review in 2016.

“Laura Ingraham no longer supports the Iraq War. She thinks it was a mistake. That’s fine. Reasonable people can take that position — and reasonable people can take the position that the Bush and Obama administrations fatefully bungled our efforts at great cost. But she should lighten up on her charge that ‘Bushism’ and the Iraq War were at root a globalist plot to weaken the United States of America. She, after all, had a hand in all that, too,” the National Review concluded.

By Bob Brigham

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