Jonathan Larsen (page 2)

Twitter: @jtlarsen

Jonathan Larsen is the creator of The F**king News.

Larsen has been involved in some of the most popular and well thought of programs in TV news. Most notably, as executive producer, he created “Up with Chris Hayes,” which was recognized by critics across the political spectrum for its smart, substantive engagement with topics other shows wouldn’t touch and its inclusion of people and voices seldom heard from. Prior to “Up,” he worked for many years on “Countdown with Keith Olbermann,” and also helped launch "Anderson Cooper 360."

Joe Biden; National Prayer Breakfast
Liz Cheney
Jim Obergefell
Kyrsten Sinema, Mitt Romney
Joe Biden; Gas Prices
Joe Biden; National Prayer Breakfast
Tim Kaine
National Prayer Breakfast
Elon Musk; David Beasley
National Prayer Breakfast
Jeff Fortenberry
Jeff Fortenberry
Franklin Graham
Amy Klobuchar; Kirsten Gillibrand