Showing results for: pregnancy (page 4)

"Crisis pregnancy centers are just plain a--holes": Samantha Bee and Patton Oswalt expose fake abortion clinics
Oswalt starred as Orson Welles in a parody of "F for Fake," warning of the tricks by the pregnancy centers
05/11/2016 19:18 UTC
The FDA has authorized the first home COVID-19 self-testing kit
Experts say it could be as groundbreaking as previous at-home test inventions for HIV and pregnancy
11/21/2020 00:51 UTC
More judges order administration to restore pregnancy prevention funds
A judge ordered the funding of three Planned Parenthood teen pregnancy programs to be restored
05/10/2018 07:59 UTC
Is it an abortion or a D&C? Medically speaking, "the steps are the same"
Restrictions on elective abortion procedures are affecting medical and surgical miscarriage care
07/10/2022 23:30 UTC
"Barbaric" Texas abortion ban turned one woman's wanted pregnancy into a "dystopian nightmare"
"Anti-abortion zealots should be forced to read this"
07/27/2022 08:00 UTC
Woman arrested in South Carolina for allegedly taking abortion pills in 2021
Though the alleged abortion happened in 2021, police didn’t obtain the warrant for her arrest until after “Dobbs”
03/07/2023 10:00 UTC
Pregnancy is much more dangerous than abortion — meaning abortion bans like Texas’ will be deadly
More pregnant people are apt to die — simply because staying pregnant is riskier than having an abortion
09/11/2021 18:00 UTC
The gendered burden to "Just Get on the Pill": "That is not reproductive freedom. It's the opposite"
Professor Krystale Littlejohn spoke to Salon about how emphasis on the pill lets condom etiquette & safety slide
09/09/2021 01:17 UTC
Hospital investigated for allegedly denying an emergency abortion after patient’s water broke
In the wake of Missouri's abortion ban, one hospital is in hot water after denying an essential abortion
11/14/2022 19:37 UTC
Ayanna Pressley publicly schools Josh Hawley's wife on abortion: "A deficit in your understanding"
"I'm now going to turn over to the real experts"
07/14/2022 15:42 UTC
Are e-cigs better for pregnant people trying to quit? New research is at odds with expert advice
A study suggests a controversial harm reduction approach to help pregnant smokers
08/02/2023 22:05 UTC
Britney Spears reveals she had an abortion because Justin Timberlake "didn’t want to be a father."
The pop singer revealed in an excerpt from her new memoir "The Woman In Me" that she had an abortion at 18
10/17/2023 20:08 UTC
Rush Limbaugh confirms he is made of garbage and lives in a garbage can, Hobby Lobby edition
Limbaugh said something about Hobby Lobby. It barely made sense but still displayed his clear hatred for women
07/03/2014 01:25 UTC
Research shows health risks of using marijuana in pregnancy
Mounting research points to health harms from cannabis, THC and CBD use during pregnancy, adolescence and more
04/09/2023 01:00 UTC
Texas is home to more than 100 state-funded crisis pregnancy centers
While a new law threatens to shutter all but six abortion providers, anti-choice counseling centers proliferate
09/06/2013 00:34 UTC