Henry A. Giroux

Henry A. Giroux holds the McMaster University Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest in the English and Cultural Studies Department and is the Paulo Freire Distinguished Scholar in Critical Pedagogy. His most recent books include "Pedagogy of Resistance: Against Manufactured Ignorance" (2022), "Insurrections: Education in the Age of Counter-Revolutionary Politics" (2023) and, co-authored with Anthony DiMaggio, "Fascism on Trial: Education and the Possibility of Democracy" (2024). His website is here.

Pro Palestinian protesters on the campus of UCLA
A Proud Boys gestures | Smoke rises from a derailed cargo train in East Palestine, Ohio | California Storm Clouds
Kanye West
School Board Meeting
Abandoned Old Wooden School Desk in Empty Classroom
Boogaloo Bois; Far Right
Right-Wing Militia Rally
University of Virginia; Protest; Racism; White Supremacy
Critical Race Theory; CRT; Protest
Donald Trump
I Can't Breathe; Mask
Donald Trump
Climate Student Strike
President Donald Trump; Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan; Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro; Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban
College Campus