September 13, 2022 Archive September 2022

The fight against an age-old effort to block Americans from voting

Arizona’s Latino voters and political independents could spell midterm defeats for MAGA candidates

Spending unlimited: How the arms industry scams taxpayers

Trump supporters may be trying to "destabilize" midterms with deluge of records requests

Quit fawning over the royals: The British monarchy is a tool of class war and white supremacy

Ron DeSantis tries out 2024 pitch, vowing vengeance on Big Tech and "woke" capitalism

Enduring the Emmys: Have award shows as we know them outlived their purpose?

Amid the turmoil of COVID, biosafety legislation gets political

“Trump turned DOJ into his personal law firm”: Senate probes prosecutor’s claim of Trump corruption

After issuing 40 subpoenas, DOJ could put Trump "at center of a conspiracy": ex-federal prosecutor

MAGA “shocked” at subpoenas after Garland “lulled TrumpWorld into a false sense of security”: expert

Trump thought he had a “special connection to the queen” before getting snubbed from funeral: report

So much for "leave it to the states": Republicans test the waters with a federal abortion ban bill

“So unfortunate”: Even Trump’s allies think he majorly screwed up with his special master choice

Judge hits “stunningly cavalier” Alex Jones with sanctions before new Sandy Hook trial even begins

“Without the Bible, there is no America”: Josh Hawley goes full Christian nationalist at NatCon

EatOkra aims to be the next Amazon for Black-owned food businesses

A newly-discovered planet that is half-water, half-rock is straight out of science fiction

Why anti-fluoride conspiracy theories have persisted for over 70 years

Britney Spears' troubling body comments, the role of the tabloids and her father