Showing results for: clinic (page 2)

Fire Dog Joins Fla. Probe At Burnt Abortion Clinic
01/03/2012 23:18 UTC
Man with crisis pregnancy center ties charged in connection with destruction of a Montana abortion clinic
Zachary Klundt had a concealed, loaded weapon and close to $1,000 in cash at the time of his arrest
03/07/2014 19:39 UTC
Making abortion clinics beautiful: Meet the architect changing how we view them
Architect Lori Brown tells Salon about her work to remake the built environment in and around abortion clinics
12/26/2014 17:00 UTC
Pandemonium, then silence: Inside a Texas abortion clinic after the fall of Roe
Texas clinics immediately halted abortions Friday after SCOTUS ruling. Then, they had to tell their patients
06/27/2022 19:30 UTC
Tele-monitoring can reduce medical appointments for low-risk pregnancies
Who benefits from frequent low-risk pregnancy appointments? Probably the clinics
04/06/2018 08:00 UTC
Pro-life fanatics want you to think abortion clinics are terrifying places; here's what one really looks like
I don't want other women to be afraid of abortion the way I was; I want them to know a "clinic" can look like this.
01/23/2016 04:15 UTC
Legal challenges begin against North Dakota's draconian abortion laws
Advocates have filed the first of several lawsuits expected against North Dakota's restrictive abortion laws
05/15/2013 20:55 UTC
‘Contraception deserts’ likely to widen under new Trump administration policy
The impact has been swift and widespread.
10/01/2018 07:00 UTC
Worse than Paul LePage: Portland is a case study in how not to handle an opioid crisis
Budget cuts by an unelected city manager threaten to compound the destruction of a sadistic new anti-drug measure
04/28/2016 12:45 UTC
Belfast judge’s message to anti-choice protesters: Stop harassing women
"I do not feel it is appropriate for anyone to be stopped outside this clinc in any form, shape or fashion"
11/19/2014 23:39 UTC
If abortion isn't available, 1 in 3 say they will do something to end the pregnancy on their own
Research shows that those in states with abortion bans will consider other ways to terminate the pregnancy
09/22/2022 12:15 UTC
Florida abortion clinic volunteers launch fundraiser to save center from state's 'targeted attack'
Florida Republicans haven't been able to totally ban abortion yet, so they're working to bankrupt clinics instead
08/21/2023 10:11 UTC
Texas' sweeping abortion law shutters last remaining clinic in the Rio Grande Valley
"The legislators lied when they said HB2 would not close our clinics," said the CEO of Whole Women's Health
03/06/2014 21:51 UTC
WATCH: What role should cops play in the abortion battle?
Filmmakers of the new documentary "Care in Chaos" discuss the policing of abortion clinics and their protesters
07/26/2017 11:59 UTC
Mississippi's last abortion clinic hangs in the balance
The state is attempting to revoke the clinic's license, citing noncompliance with a 2012 law for abortion providers
02/01/2013 22:06 UTC