Showing results for: dog (page 2)

Dog parent–shaming is the new mom-shaming: Why the internet is furious over your pet-rearing skills
As research into dog intelligence has advanced, aggression towards "dogfluencers" has become commonplace
07/23/2022 19:00 UTC
Are hypoallergenic pets a real thing?
Salon asked experts whether you can you really breed a dog or cat to be hypoallergenic
10/23/2022 23:30 UTC
Dogs have the potential to be bilingual, a recent study finds
Older dogs in particular can distinguish between languages. Also there may be breed-specific linguistic differences
01/11/2022 21:01 UTC
Is a hot dog a sandwich? Food pros weigh in
It’s just one of those questions that will never be put to rest
07/10/2021 17:30 UTC
Your dog has a rich interior life it's not telling you about
From conveying personal data via scents to using body language to "speak," dogs are secretly great communicators
08/01/2021 23:30 UTC
Test your dog's DNA with this kit that's 25% off
Determine once and for all what your furry friend's genetic make-up is
04/17/2019 11:30 UTC
Learn more about your dog with Embark's top-rated DNA kit
This comprehensive report will give you a better understanding of how to care for your pooch
08/03/2019 11:00 UTC
Dog dumped for being "gay": Owners offer bizarre reason for abandoning pet at animal shelter
A North Carolina dog was left at a shelter after owners became convinced it tried to have sex with another male dog
03/22/2022 02:52 UTC
Dogs can smell your stress, study finds
Scientists tested whether dogs could tell the difference between their owner's odor in different emotional states
10/01/2022 18:00 UTC
Hear me out: United Airlines shouldn't be killing dogs on flights
United Airlines has a problem when it comes to dealing with doggies
03/14/2018 16:37 UTC
The changing face of “America’s dog” — and what it says about us
An examination of our various canine love affairs, from postwar era's working dogs to the designer breeds of today
07/04/2021 15:00 UTC
Welcome to the wild world of competitive dog grooming, where poodles become living art
Salon talks to the director of "Well Groomed," who spent 4 years documenting this fascinating subculture
05/15/2019 21:16 UTC
Bulldogs, pugs and other snout-less dogs will suffer as climate change worsens, experts warn
Brachycephalic dogs — those without snouts — are especially vulnerable to increased heat and wildfire smoke
09/04/2023 19:59 UTC
What dogs do when humans are not around, according to experts
Salon spoke to animal behavior experts and scientists about what dogs think about (and do) when we're away
03/14/2023 12:15 UTC
Babies feel an innate empathy towards dogs, study says
A new study analyzed how toddlers respond when they see dogs that need help getting a treat
01/31/2023 20:58 UTC