Showing results for: information (page 2)

Ask your kid’s school these essential student privacy and safety questions
Get assurance that your kid’s school is doing everything it can to protect privacy and keep student data safe
10/15/2017 00:00 UTC
How William Barr could force Democrats to begin impeachment proceedings in fight over Mueller report
It seems that beginning impeachment proceedings may be best, or at least the most efficient, way to get the report
04/09/2019 21:12 UTC
How to protect yourself from ChatGPT and other AI that fosters science denial
AI can be used to generate compelling disinformation. Learn how to defend against it
05/26/2023 09:00 UTC
Border agents can now get classified intelligence information. Experts call that dangerous.
A new center will allow immigration agents to access classified information gathered by U.S. intelligence agencies
11/02/2019 09:00 UTC
White House threatens legal action, claims John Bolton's book contains classified information
The White House says Bolton, under a nondisclosure agreement, needs to delete top secret content before publishing
01/30/2020 00:15 UTC
More White House fake news: Whistleblower rules weren't "changed," Mr. President
Despite hysterical tweets by the president and overheated right-wing rhetoric, whistleblower rules haven't changed
10/02/2019 16:45 UTC
John Roberts temporarily blocks release of Trump’s tax records to Congress
Trump asked the high court to intervene after lower courts repeatedly rejected his appeals
11/01/2022 15:48 UTC
Do we live in a computer simulation like in The Matrix? My proposed new law of physics suggests so
Some scientists suggest that if our reality is a simulation there may be glitches within the fabric of the universe
10/25/2023 09:40 UTC
What internet search patterns can teach us about coping
Fifty years after its introduction, the quantitative literature around the Kübler-Ross grief model remains scarce
11/11/2019 21:29 UTC
What will 2022 bring in the way of misinformation on social media? 3 experts weigh in
From the Jan. 6 riots to copious COVID distortions, 2021 was a banner year for misinfo. What will 2022 bring?
01/01/2022 12:29 UTC
The Dixie Fire is moving too fast for California’s emergency alert systems
TV broadcasts and phone calls are no match for today’s quick-moving fires
08/12/2021 15:15 UTC
169 million people have had their health records compromised in data breaches
A study of 1461 health care breaches between 2009 and 2019 found millions of patients' personal info exposed
09/23/2019 21:00 UTC
Los Angeles is tracking every person who rides a rental scooter
The ACLU wants to know why the city of Los Angeles is surveilling scooter riders en masse
06/08/2020 23:32 UTC
ACLU sues to find out how and why federal agencies are accessing cell phone location and data
"We're suing to bring some much-needed transparency to these disturbing practices," explained one ACLU attorney
12/03/2020 23:07 UTC
Information illiterate: Challenges libraries face in this fake news era
In today's unpredictable information environment, how might librarians rethink their role?
01/06/2017 17:59 UTC