Showing results for: google (page 2)

Tulsi Gabbard sues Google for $50 million
The lawsuit alleges that the tech behemoth infringed on her free speech
07/25/2019 23:22 UTC
Google — which is 61% white, 70% male — sued by ex-employee for discriminating against white male
James Damore, the Google bro who believes sex determines affinity for coding, thinks he was discriminated against
01/08/2018 21:42 UTC
Do Facebook and Google need to be broken up?
The unprecedented power of these tech giants to manipulate and shape discourse may be impeding our democracies
02/18/2019 00:30 UTC
How will Google’s innovation continue beyond its 20th year?
The past and present of Google — what’s next?
09/09/2018 14:00 UTC
Learn Google's most in-demand coding language for $29
This Google Go bundle will get you started programming with ease
07/01/2019 23:30 UTC
Google: Russians bought U.S. political ads on our sites, too
The search and advertising giant's admission is just the latest in sites that sowed discord by Russia
10/09/2017 17:53 UTC
Google, Trump, and the arrogance of power
Google is a "platform monopoly." Why don't authorities on anti-trust in the US care?
09/10/2017 16:59 UTC
In historic first, tech contractors for Google vote to unionize
Tech contractors are known for being uniquely exploited — now, the first spark of a labor movement has lit a fire
09/25/2019 22:16 UTC
Google ends forced arbitration after protests, yet worker discontent continues to grow
Employees show solidarity with low-wage workers and exploited contractors. Is this now a labor movement in tech?
11/09/2018 23:00 UTC
Optimize your data by mastering Google Analytics
03/19/2018 04:13 UTC
Google kills bid for $10 billion Pentagon contract after employee protests
The bid was for a Pentagon initiative called the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI)
10/13/2018 13:29 UTC
Get certified in Excel & Google Sheets for under $20
09/20/2018 11:00 UTC
Google employees stage a walkout over company's sexual assault policies
Google engineers are staging a walkout for Thursday to protest claims that the company protected a former executive
10/30/2018 23:00 UTC
Google wants to be God's mind: The secret theology of "I'm feeling lucky"
Google makes order of the universe and answers our entreaties. It knows that it's a temple of knowledge in the sky
07/19/2015 23:29 UTC
Become a Google AdWords expert with this online course
08/20/2018 11:00 UTC