Lucian K. Truscott IV (page 4)

Lucian K. Truscott IV, a graduate of West Point, has had a 50-year career as a journalist, novelist and screenwriter. He has covered stories such as Watergate, the Stonewall riots and wars in Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan. He is also the author of five bestselling novels and several unsuccessful motion pictures. He has three children, lives in rural Pennsylvania and spends his time Worrying About the State of Our Nation and madly scribbling in a so-far fruitless attempt to Make Things Better. You can read his daily columns at and follow him on Twitter @LucianKTruscott and on Facebook at Lucian K. Truscott IV.

Donald Trump
MAGA hat burning in the street
Kansas Constitutional Amendment On Abortion
Vladimir Putin; German Soldiers
Liz Cheney
Samuel Alito; John Roberts; Clarence Thomas
The United States Supreme Court Building
Capitol Riot; Proud Boys
Uvalde Police
Thurgood Marshall; Sam Alito
Weapons; Ukraine
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin
Russian Tank; Ukraine