September 26, 2015 Archive September 2015

America's "religious liberty" fiasco: What Kim Davis, the GOP & Ahmed Mohamed reveal about our stunted priorities

"Trump is kind of scary. I get the feeling he might actually pull it off": Michael Shannon on "99 Homes," the economic collapse and the eroding American Dream

Trevor Noah's learning curve: How "The Daily Show" host plans to turn his "clean slate" into success

Pope Francis is scaring the hell out of conservatives. Here's the real reason why

The Christian right needs Jesus: Why its leaders are so indifferent to human suffering

Bill Maher crushes conservative "instant heroes" Kim Davis, Josh Duggar, Cliven Bundy

Stephen Colbert wants to do party planning for Rep. Steve King's bizarre "lawnmower marriages"

"She's going down": Star GOP strategist Stuart Stevens on why Hillary Clinton won't be the Democratic nominee

Bill Maher lights into 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed again: "He didn't invent anything!"

Grace Potter: "I have no idea what's on the radio"

Martin Shkreli's free-market fetish: How the drug profiteer's pathetic excuses reveal a dangerous ideology

Fear of a Bernie Sanders presidency: How the silly elite media creates phony stories to dodge real issues

The 5 biggest lies you've been told about Planned Parenthood

We are at war with an imaginary Islam: Lies, propaganda and the real story of America and the Muslim world

How to explain the KGB's amazing success identifying CIA agents in the field?

Pope Francis' message is completely lost on Catholic universities

Mentored in the art of manipulation: Donald Trump learned from the master -- Roy Cohn

John Boehner's tears and Pope Francis' radical challenge: A spiritual leader rises as a political nonentity falls

Inside the "Stonewall" catastrophe: A dull, miscast, misguided, bloated, schmaltzy and shlocky disaster of a movie

Can a thinking person still have faith? My skeptical, honest quest for religious answers