Showing results for: immigration or refugee or migration (page 3)

At least two migrant children from Honduras have died in US custody this year
The Honduran foreign minister said his government is in contact with the family of the teen who died
05/13/2023 16:39 UTC
After the Syrian-refugee milestone: The U.S. hits its modest resettlement goal, but the issue is still toxic
Now that 10,000 Syrian refugees have been resettled in the U.S., what next? Trump wants to send them back
08/31/2016 13:59 UTC
Trump wanted U.S. forces equipped with bayonets to stop migrants at border
He also reportedly wanted to fortify a border wall with a water-filled moat stocked with alligators and snakes
10/04/2019 17:46 UTC
U.S. and Mexico immigration: Portraits of Guatemalan refugees in limbo
“ . . . I witnessed my father, my [pregnant] sister and younger [five-year-old] brother get killed in Guatemala"
08/21/2017 07:59 UTC
"It is the American story": Henry Louis Gates, Jr. on "In Search of Our Roots"
"For a surprising number of African Americans ...our family trees include many white ancestors," says Dr. Gates
03/17/2019 22:30 UTC
Trump sending troops to intercept caravan is illegal
Sending troops to the border to intercept asylum-seeking migrants is an illegal bald-faced political stunt
11/23/2018 12:29 UTC
Court ordered Biden to restart Trump's “Remain in Mexico” — but he didn't have to make it worse
Like Obama before him, Biden may want to look tough on immigration to fend off GOP attacks. It probably won't work
12/11/2021 13:00 UTC
How climate change is driving emigration from Central America
Factors such as drought, exacerbated by climate change, are driving people to emigrate from Central America
09/10/2019 07:00 UTC
Trump administration revives public charge clause that kept Nazi-era refugees from the US
“Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet. And who will not become a public charge."
08/22/2019 11:30 UTC
Welcome to life in no man's land: The growing perils of the electromagnetic border zone
As many as 200 million Americans are subject to an almost complete exemption from the Fourth Amendment. Here's why
11/09/2014 22:00 UTC
Ted Cruz accidentally makes a good point: The Democratic Party's immigration record is atrocious
Cruz meant to credit Bill Clinton for being tough on immigration. Instead, he highlighted a Democratic disgrace
12/19/2015 21:59 UTC
Sweden is the gateway to the alt-right anti-immigrant agenda in Europe
Fake news is their method for attracting followers to the cause
06/02/2017 19:01 UTC
GOP xenophobia makes literally no sense: Why accepting Syrian refugees isn't just a moral imperative — it's good for America too
The right's antagonism toward immigrants has only grown this year. Here's why they need to reconsider
09/09/2015 19:25 UTC
In 2022, the Ukraine war forced the world to see refugees again. How long will that last?
With millions of Ukrainian refugees spread around the world, we saw the problem again. But it never went away
12/25/2022 17:25 UTC
The White House is misleading the public on "chain migration"
Even though the Trump family has benefited from "chain migration," Trump has weaponized the term to enact policy
12/21/2017 16:55 UTC