Showing results for: immigration or refugee or migration (page 4)

How hurricanes drive immigration to the U.S.
Knowing how immigration responds to disasters helps policymakers understand the consequences of immigration policy
09/16/2017 09:58 UTC
The U.S. will soon dump many asylum seekers in Guatemala
In Guatemala, asylum seekers will likely face many of the same kinds of dangers they originally fled
11/11/2019 10:00 UTC
Hillary Clinton is dead wrong about Bernie Sanders' immigration record
Last week, Clinton slammed Sanders for voting against reform in 2007. But there was a very good reason he did
02/12/2016 21:10 UTC
Biden tries to reverse Trump's impact on the courts — but continues to defend parts of his agenda
President Biden has even chosen to expand one of Trump's most draconian policies
02/26/2022 09:33 UTC
"We should be working more with the Mexicans": Former "border czar" shares real facts about immigration
Alan Bersin says a border wall won’t address the real challenges confronting the U.S. border enforcement system
02/19/2017 01:29 UTC
Melania Trump’s parents likely to become U.S. citizens via chain migration: report
Donald Trump's in-laws are likely to become citizens via the legal mechanism Trump has railed against
02/22/2018 01:11 UTC
GOP's warped priorities: While they focus on Planned Parenthood, refugee crisis foreshadows a grim future under climate change
It's unsurprising -- but still depressing -- that a party of science deniers & xenophobes can't see real threats
10/05/2015 21:00 UTC
Europe teeters on the edge: The refugee crisis shows the ravages of the war on terror
Already grappling with torpid economies, Europe now faces a humanitarian crisis largely of the West's own making
09/15/2015 18:00 UTC
As long-term care staffing crisis worsens, immigrants can bridge the gaps
Experts say opening pathways for care workers to immigrate would help, but policymakers haven’t moved
02/12/2023 13:26 UTC
Trump seems likely to kill any immigration compromise: So now what?
Trump claims to want a DACA deal — but his right-wing aides are using his ingrained racism to make that impossible
01/17/2018 09:59 UTC
CPAC Hungary: Global right doubles down on "replacement" theory: "This is what tyrants do"
Less than a week after the Buffalo massacre, CPAC Hungary speakers call immigration worse than nuclear weapons
05/20/2022 18:56 UTC
"Flee": Animation is a powerful medium for documentaries about conflict and refugees
Let's hope that governments who set immigration policies heed this tale before turning away the asylum seekers
03/23/2022 22:15 UTC
Will Biden’s Central America plan slow migration — or speed it up?
There's nothing new about border politics in the Biden era — all of this is actually ancient history
04/04/2021 09:01 UTC
An alternative that could keep immigrants out of detention — and transform U.S. immigration system
Advocates say a new approach could help transform the country’s byzantine immigration process
08/20/2021 09:00 UTC
Year of "human suffering": U.N. sounds alarm over the millions of refugees targeted by "xenophobic policies and alarmist rhetoric"
The world is experiencing the worst refugee crisis since WWII, while xenophobia and racism are on the rise
12/18/2015 23:31 UTC