Showing results for: language (page 3)

How Trump’s language shifted in the weeks leading up to the Capitol riot
Two linguists explain how Trump’s language escalated in intensity in the weeks and days leading up to the riots
01/19/2021 09:59 UTC
A county in Idaho offered Spanish-language ballots for the first time, and here is what happened
A lack of access to non-English ballots can be an obstacle to voting for immigrants
11/19/2018 23:00 UTC
"Prey" is the No. 1 premiere on Hulu; original "Predator" stars sing its praises
The action film shifts the paradigm of how a Native-led film looks ... and sounds
08/13/2022 18:59 UTC
How the right-wing weaponizes "wokeness"
The GOP systematically uses language that obscures denotation and advances connotation
05/05/2021 19:42 UTC
The sound of inclusion: Why teachers’ words matter
Language matters in every class: English, math, history and science
08/18/2017 00:35 UTC
Does Klingon belong to everyone? "It’s a language — the whole point is to use it!"
Salon speaks to the inventor of "Game of Thrones"' Dothraki language about a lawsuit over a Star Trek tongue
05/05/2016 01:07 UTC
Learn a new language for just $30
09/03/2018 22:28 UTC
5 ways to talk to your kids about swearing — and why
Practical tips for toning down strong language
06/10/2018 21:29 UTC
From "dada" to Darth Vader – why the way we name fathers reminds us we spring from the same well
A universal papa stands the test of time
06/18/2022 18:59 UTC
"Game of Thrones" wouldn't be the same without him: Meet the man who made the Dothraki speak
Linguist David Peterson explains how he created the languages that enrich the world of HBO's "Game of Thrones"
10/17/2015 23:30 UTC
3 internet language trends from 2019, explained
What started as a SpongeBob meme took on a life of its own in 2019
12/26/2019 03:30 UTC
"Minari" is an American film about the American dream — why did the Globes categorize it as foreign?
The decision, as well as snubbing Steven Yeun, raises questions of where the immigrant experience fits in America
02/04/2021 00:23 UTC
The meaning of words: Orwell, Didion, Trump and the death of language
Orwell wrote that political speech was "largely the defense of the indefensible" — in 1946. Little did he know
12/27/2021 15:45 UTC
Native apps: How digital technology is helping to preserve fading Native American languages
Many Native American languages have no written form and few living speakers. Turns out there's an app for that
10/02/2016 02:30 UTC
Internet linguistics is becoming its own field of study
Have you ever said something "is a thing now" or "for the win?" Congrats, you speak the dialect
07/23/2019 23:00 UTC