December 25, 2015 Archive December 2015

"Christmas has no place in the Holy Land": Far-right Israeli leader wants to expel Christians and ban the holiday

10 reasons to feel better about 2015: Amid the bombings, the political insanity, the rise of Islamophobia, there really were some bright spots

The "Black Mirror" Christmas special: A thrilling hint of the new season to come

Merry XXX-mas: A brief history of Yuletide smut

Jimmy Stewart was my teen idol

Matt Drudge might elect Donald Trump: The GOP front-runner's secret weapon is the conservative media icon

Mother Teresa visited our small Pennsylvania coal town -- and I made her laugh

Holiday family gathering survival guide: How to argue with your racist, Islamophobic uncle at Christmas dinner

Religion's "creative destruction": Millennials, the new religious "nones," are experimenting with new forms and rituals

Putting the "War on Christmas" to rest: Fox News, sorry to break it to you but it's always been a secular holiday

This is the only advice you need to survive Christmas

We live in the golden age of awful news: Why every year seems so horrible in retrospect

Is Jesus' birth worth celebrating? The dark subtext of the nativity scene

Fossil fuels are all but finished: Renewable energies are the future, whether the GOP acknowledges it or not

More GOP madness! Ban Twitter! 5 things we really, really want to happen in 2016

Bottled air from Canada is selling like crazy in China

The right-wing beard revolution: Look out, hipsters, here come the counterculture Christians