Scott Rosenberg
Salon co-founder Scott Rosenberg is director of He is the author of "Say Everything" and Dreaming in Code and blogs at
What Google+ does better than Facebook
Scott Rosenberg
What we can learn from the story of TableTalk
Scott Rosenberg
NPR caves to O'Keefe -- and we all lose
Scott Rosenberg
Huffington Post/AOL: It's AOL/Time Warner all over again
Scott Rosenberg
Murdoch's Daily: Innovation or CD-ROM flashback?
Scott Rosenberg
Why Murdoch's "tablet newspaper" will fail
Scott Rosenberg
WSJ, NYT push opposing campaign finance narratives
Scott Rosenberg
Journalists prefer to voice their opinions
Scott Rosenberg
Forbes and the disappearing line between politics and the media
Scott Rosenberg
Apple as a news censor: No way to run an app store
Scott Rosenberg
"Delinkification" is bunk: Linking is good for you
Scott Rosenberg
Google News gets gamed by a crappy content farm
Scott Rosenberg
WikiLeaks: Not a scoop, but still news
Scott Rosenberg
Media refuses to burn Breitbart
Scott Rosenberg
Online comments need moderation, not "real names"
Scott Rosenberg
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