March 06, 2020 Archive March 2020

Why "Cosmos" producer Ann Druyan is optimistic about the future

Brian Kilmeade pushes back on claim that Fox is on Trump's side: "He's not happy with this network"

Bernie Sanders dodges Rachel Maddow's questions about struggles with black voters in the South

CNBC's Rick Santelli suggests infecting "everybody" with coronavirus to protect the stock markets

Democrats accuse Steve Mnuchin of “staggering lies" at congressional hearing

"We’ll be cutting": Trump promises to slash spending on entitlements during Fox News town hall

Yale psychiatrist: Trump is “putting lives at risk” with coronavirus; Pence is “enabling” him

How the “birth tourist” became Trump's latest bogeyman

Get political reporters off the coronavirus story — they're screwing it up

The conundrum of Trumpopoly: I’m sick of both Donald Trump and the fake news

Susan Collins doesn't "understand" why voters turned on her. Did she forget her impeachment vote?

Fox News is spreading Trump's coronavirus lies faster than the disease itself

Let's face it, America: We didn't deserve Elizabeth Warren

Ocasio-Cortez would back Biden in a race against Trump: "This is more important than all of us"

GOP-appointed judge orders unredacted copy of Mueller report as he questions Barr’s “credibility”

Hachette employees protest publisher's decision to release Woody Allen memoir

Trump Org charged taxpayers eight times more for Secret Service stays than it claimed: documents

From hood films to a "The Banker," Nia Long wants to change the narrative for black dreams

"Spirit Run" author Noé Álvarez ran from Canada to Guatemala on "the longest prayer in the world"

Nurse union issues grave warning on COVID-19: "The nation's hospitals are unprepared"