September 17, 2020 Archive September 2020

DeJoy gave $600,000 to GOP after USPS job opened. Should the focus be on his wife's ambassador nod?

Fox News announces layoffs as it undergoes corporate restructuring with record ratings

In California, we need to fight fire with fire

Trump executive order on drug prices denounced as election year charade

Angry Americans: How political rage helps campaigns but hurts democracy

Republicans tell the truth about Biden probe: “It would certainly help Donald Trump win re-election”

Surveillance drones come home from war: Is the "eye in the sky" looking for you?

The super-rich — you know, people like the Trumps — are raking in billions

Shunning masks is a central sacrament of the Trump cult: Reason can't compete with faith

Ted Cruz says he doesn’t want to join the Supreme Court after being shortlisted by Trump

Mitch McConnell rams through six Trump judges in 30 hours after blocking coronavirus aid for months

Jaime Harrison raises $1 million overnight after new survey shows him tied with Lindsey Graham

"The tide has turned": Susan Collins trails rival Sara Gideon by 12 points in new Quinnipiac poll

Right-wing talk about "sedition" and the Insurrection Act has one purpose: Stealing the election

Trump’s properties have charged taxpayers at least $1.1 million since he assumed office: report

Noam Chomsky: We are facing the most dangerous moment in human history

Big Pharma gave more than $20,000 to Tillis campaign after he co-sponsored drug pricing bill: report

Meghan McCain fact-checked on "The View" over false claim that doctors lied to public about COVID-19

“Ridiculous”: Barr calls coronavirus lockdowns “greatest intrusion on civil liberties” since slavery

Egg price-gouging accusations, a pandemic cheese "roller coaster": Why food costs are still in flux

"Antebellum," Janelle Monae's cross-dimensional thriller, was literally born from a nightmare

Phosphine gas, seen on Venus, is also produced by bacteria on Earth — but we don't know exactly how

Ex-model Amy Dorris accuses Trump of 1997 sexual assault: "He just shoved his tongue down my throat"

Scientists just discovered an "impossible planet" orbiting too close to its parent star