July 19, 2015 Archive July 2015

Pavement's secret history: "Some nights we succeeded, some nights it was shambles"

"Quality of life has to include the end of life”: California is the latest state to take up the right-to-die cause -- only to see it fail

My daughter vs. AOL's profits: "There’s no point in offering health benefits if you’re going to point fingers when people actually need to use them"

AP NewsAlert

Hunter-Reay wins IndyCar race in Iowa

How Cosby did it: His method of pursuing, drugging and paying off women, in his own words

The trap Hillary can't escape: Her Bernie Sanders problem is she doesn't understand Sanders' policies are popular, mainstream and the future

Put away your Bible, Justice: The new "religious freedom" arguments are neither

How did this monster get created? The decades of GOP lies that brought us Donald Trump, Republican front-runner

My Prague nightmare: I had never even attempted to kill anyone -- why was I under arrest in this foreign city?

Stories from a revolution: The beauty of leaderless Tahrir Square

"Racial self-help" or "blaming the victim"?: 50 years after its publication, the Moynihan Report still provokes debate about the causes and cures of African-American in­equality

"I already saw fire in Netanyahu’s eyes": Behind the scenes with Bibi and Obama

"A whole new generation of public policy": How Silicon Valley is invading our democracy

Why America's prison problem is so much worse than Barack Obama wants to let on

How I f***ed Morgan Stanley: Deviance and debauchery of the 1 percent

"Inside Out" draws from Darwin's theory of the nature of emotions -- I think he got it wrong

Does sexual behavior have to mimic sexual orientation?

Google wants to be God's mind: The secret theology of "I'm feeling lucky"

The chilling reasons why you shouldn't buy your pets from a pet store