August 08, 2016 Archive August 2016

Expand your punk knowledge: Slash magazine collection will school you on the '70s L.A. scene

The war on cancer comes home

5 delusional right-wing moments this week: Ben Carson thinks the Khan family should apologize to Trump

Swinging the Senate blue may hinge on Latino voters: Why more action to mobilize these voters is necessary

The "reformicons" are stuck in neutral: Trump, anger and nativism leaves movement DOA

The GOP's youth-vote disaster: Donald Trump's nomination could hurt Republicans for years to come

"The Night Of" recap: When a "good boy" goes bad

Feeling safe with Hillary: Yes, Clinton's proving she can protect the country better than a Republican man

Paul Krugman: The GOP has replaced economic policy with vague threats "intoned in their best Dr. Evil voice"

Conspiracy nut Alex Jones: Hillary Clinton looks like she has "Down syndrome" and "a lobotomy"

Win like a woman: How the media is still failing female Olympians

China's building a new Great Wall — and no, Trump can't do anything about it

Philly elections inspector trounces Sean Hannity for "absurd & personally insulting" voter fraud conspiracy theory

Far too little, way too late: The hopeless anti-Trump candidacy of Evan McMullin

Fifth Harmony singer Normani Kordei on Twitter hiatus after being "racially cyberbullied"

Curt Schilling's delusional path to the presidency: "State office first, White House in 8 years"

It's still Trump's show: Journalists should avoid the temptation to assume Mike Pence is the power behind the throne

50 Republican national security officials issue letter opposing Trump: He "would be the most reckless president in American history”

U.N. expert warns racism, police threaten civil rights in U.S., slams biased justice system

Correction: Schools-Absent Students-Glance story