Nandika Chatterjee (page 3)


Nandika Chatterjee is a News Fellow at Salon. In 2022 she moved to New York after graduating from the University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign where she pursued a B. A in Communication and a B.S. in Psychology. She is currently an M.A. in Journalism candidate at NYU, pursuing the Magazine and Digital Storytelling program, and was previously an Editorial Fellow at Adweek.

Woman patient Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic
Juan Manuel Merchan's courtroom nameplate
Rudy Giuliani
Donald Trump
Rudy Giuliani
Truth Social
Donald Trump Truth Social
David DePape
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Donald Trump; Department of Justice
Woman holding pitcher with beer and pouring drinking at a party
US soldiers assemble pier for aid Gaza