December 31, 2016 Archive December 2016

The presidential portrait power list: Ranking the past 20 presidents' C-SPAN portraits

Rudy Giuliani insists President Obama's sanctions against Russia are "petty little actions"

Donald Trump praises Vladimir Putin as "smart" for delayed response, as Russian Embassy in UK gloats about "victory"

Look Again: The day's most compelling images from around the globe

I'm a server, not your sex toy: Some advice to the next dude who wants to comment on my looks

WATCH: The dangers of young people living life through a filtered reality

No immigration for 50 years? White nationalist leader unloads 5 of his most horrifying hopes for America

WATCH: The year of redemption

Don't blame Jon Stewart for Donald Trump: Comedy Central didn't make America fall for "fake news" and "post-truth"

Wake me up (from the dream of life) before you go-go: Elegy for a year of death in America

The ballad of Bristol and Ivanka: Does Sarah Palin's eldest daughter want to be BFFs with Trump's? An investigation

WATCH: 2016 proved that gaming isn't just for gamers — here are the 10 best games this year

No justice, no peace: This poignant poem perfectly encapsulates 2016

Down the rabbit hole: Government's first report on Russia and DNC is woefully inadequate

This week in Donald Trump's conflicts of interest: Trump's getting what he wants at Mar-a-Lago

Why celebrate the New Year? Under President Trump, 2017 could be even worse

Wall Street in 2016: The best and worst S&P 500 stock performers for 2016

WATCH: 5 times in 2016 when Samantha Bee exposed us to the hilarious truth (OK, and one lie)

WATCH: 2016 Best of Salon Talks: Entertainment

A playlist for Salon's epic New Year's Eve catharsis party

Sheltering in place: For students in Donald Trump-loving coal country, "school choice" isn't a solution

Some power restored to North Carolina's governor elect, for now

You'll get a serious buzz from hallucinatory Himalayan honey

High alerts plus increased chatter equals nothing: Intelligence has limits on preventing terror