April 08, 2020 Archive April 2020

Beloved singer and songwriter John Prine dies of coronavirus complications

Trump dismisses watchdog set to oversee $2 trillion coronavirus bailout

Senate Intel chair Richard Burr sold off stock in Dutch company right before 2018 collapse

Top Trump adviser Peter Navarro warned coronavirus could kill 1.2 million months ago in leaked memo

How Trump let China play him on the coronavirus

Is Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's right-wing president, the new Jim Jones?

RNC chairwoman claims all-mail ballots proposal would "vastly expand opportunities for fraud"

Yale psychiatrist Bandy Lee: Trump's "deadly" briefings display "anti-human" psychology

Three questions investigators must ask about Trump’s response to COVID-19

Donald Trump's weak spot is the facts — reporters must keep pressing him

Life after COVID-19: Doctors ponder best advice as patients recover from coronavirus

Policing a pandemic: Criminalization isn't the answer to a public health crisis

Trump has used the "bully pulpit" more than any president in history — and that's terrifying

MSNBC host Joe Scarbough blasts his own network for helping Trump spread lies about coronavirus

Bernie Sanders suspends presidential campaign amid coronavirus outbreak

Trump cites Sean Hannity’s Fox News program as proof hospitals are in “great shape” with ventilators

Trump's latest crime spree: With pandemic as cover, he's going for epic corruption

Isolate or infect humanity? In "Sea Fever," a captain faces a dilemma eerily like our own

As restaurants close to the public, many reopen as community grocery stores

Bernie Sanders has changed America — but how? We don't know that part yet

How the University of California is using the pandemic to exploit workers and lecturers

Linda Tripp, a key figure in the scandal involving Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, dies at 70

CDC quietly deletes hydroxychloroquine guidance as study hyped by Trump comes into question

Can breathing exercises really help patients with COVID-19? Doctors weigh in

Diamond & Silk were locked out of Twitter for suggesting that people develop immunity to coronavirus