October 27, 2020 Archive October 2020

"Borat" and Trump's "60 Minutes" interview show what we're missing: a sense of shame

What water on the moon means for the future of exploration

Kayleigh McEnany once hailed Joe Biden as a "man of the people" who could beat "tycoon" Trump

Kushner questions if Black Americans "want to be successful" in widely criticized Fox News interview

Amy Coney Barrett sworn in as Supreme Court justice

What could go wrong: How the GOP is using suppression and intimidation in 2020

Despite COVID outbreak among his staffers, Pence pushed to attend Supreme Court confirmation vote

Now how do we reform the U.S. Supreme Court?

Why is this election so painful? Because voting isn't real political power

Why Brett Kavanaugh's opinion on Wisconsin's mail-in ballots has so many worried

Trump’s trade war — what was it good for? Not much

House Judiciary GOP celebrate confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett with tweet mocking Hillary Clinton

Despite pandemic threat, gubernatorial hopefuls avoid COVID nitty-gritty

Time to dump the presidential dilettante — he's a cruel and incompetent failure

Justice Barrett: Culmination of the right's five-year misogynist temper tantrum

How Brooklyn Avenue Pizza Company is fighting gentrification while honoring Boyle Height's past

What's real in "Borat 2"?

Trolls from Russia are pro-Trump, trolls from Iran are anti-Trump, according to new study

Is herd immunity even possible? New public health data calls that into doubt

Trump satirist Sarah Cooper's new Netflix special is a joyous acknowledgement that we're not OK