Showing results for: Bernie Sanders (page 2)

Bernie Sanders' son falling behind in New Hampshire congressional race
Levi Sanders is running for Congress in New Hampshire — but without his father's endorsement
09/11/2018 19:47 UTC
Campaign manager accuses MSNBC of "constantly undermining" Bernie Sanders: Fox News is "more fair"
"It feels like they're covering progressives from an elitist perspective"
02/20/2020 04:09 UTC
Bernie Sanders is no Ron Paul: What the press gets all wrong about the Vermont senator
He'll always be an underdog, but Sanders is a more viable candidate than even the left-wing media will acknowledge
07/08/2015 13:00 UTC
The "Bernie Blackout" appears to be over: How will the media cover the Sanders campaign now?
Corporate news media is finally taking the Sanders campaign seriously. Does that mean the end of anti-Bernie bias?
12/30/2019 11:00 UTC
Bernie Sanders is officially a Big Deal: Here's why his supporters should welcome the political blowback
Sanders supporters are screaming bloody hell about unfair treatment now that he's a threat for the nomination
01/21/2016 02:15 UTC
Got a text to go to a picket line? Might be from Bernie
Sen. Bernie Sanders texted his supporters to join the picket lines to demand union recognition at UChicago.
06/08/2019 17:30 UTC
Bernie Sanders to “assess” his campaign after losing 19 of the last 24 primaries, top aide says
Election forecaster FiveThirtyEight projects that Biden has a 99% chance to clinch the nomination
03/18/2020 16:22 UTC
"The word 'salty' is just the tip of the iceberg": Watch Stephen Colbert eat a tray of caviar spelling out "Bernie"
Colbert, during his "Hungry for Power Games" bit, called Sanders "a worthy adversary of we, the elite"
07/13/2016 17:28 UTC
How to explain Bernie Sanders' rise? Mainstream media looks to Russian "meddling"
Mainstream media jumped on thinly-sourced reports of Russian assistance to Sanders — which were walked back
03/02/2020 11:00 UTC
Press Watch: Corporate Democrats, neocon NeverTrumpers lead media charge against Sanders
Are "Democrats" really worried about Sanders' rise? Or is it only certain Democrats and their one-percent allies?
01/29/2020 12:00 UTC
The myth of the Democratic rift: Despite media hot air, the data show Sanders supporters will embrace Clinton
Hot takes might suggest otherwise, but the truth is, the Democratic Party is quite unified
07/17/2016 20:00 UTC
Elegy for Bernie? Not quite yet: Sanders 2020 poses a conundrum Democrats must solve
Can Bernie still win in 2020? Maybe not — but without his issues, his voters and his movement, Democrats are doomed
08/25/2019 17:30 UTC
Sanders campaign manager accuses journalists of discounting Bernie's seriousness
Despite Warren and Harris pulling ahead in recent polls, Sanders is still a force to be reckoned with
07/17/2019 22:18 UTC
"I am proud to stand with her today": Bernie Sanders makes it official, finally endorses Hillary Clinton
"I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States"
07/12/2016 20:18 UTC
Do the Russians want Bernie to win? Not really — they want Democrats to turn on each other
Whether you support Sanders or someone else, there's a lot you can do to help stop Russian efforts to sow division
02/24/2020 18:30 UTC