Showing results for: white supremacy (page 2)

Why Republicans blaming Democrats for the KKK are profoundly wrong
in the wake of Trump's David Duke controversy, many Republicans have tried to tie the KKK to progressivism.
03/04/2016 18:00 UTC
Donald Trump's fantasies of racial violence reflect an all-too-real history
Trump's white supremacist rhetoric conjures up some of American history's darkest crimes. That's not accidental
02/08/2022 15:44 UTC
Fox News host Jeanine Pirro embraces racist "replacement" theory shared by El Paso shooter
"It is a plot to remake America — to replace American citizens with illegals who will vote for the Democrats"
08/30/2019 15:23 UTC
Paula Deen's last lesson: What her family's brownface disgrace reveals about racism in America
Yet again, the former Food Network star is in the spotlight for precisely the wrong reason
07/08/2015 13:59 UTC
Trevor Noah wonders why we still have Confederate memorials: "Some people support the monuments, while other people are black"
"Daily Show" host takes on Virginia gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart and his love for Confederate memorials
04/27/2017 16:16 UTC
Before Ferguson: America's disturbing legacy of white supremacy and guns
Mike Brown's death forces us to confront the dehumanization of black bodies -- and white America's history of guns
09/03/2014 22:05 UTC
Why white nationalist mass shootings should make us rethink “national security”
The idea that white nationalist terrorism is a threat to U.S. national security is the new normal
08/08/2019 07:00 UTC
WATCH: Donald Trump claims not to "know enough" about the KKK to distance himself from David Duke endorsement
Jake Tapper stared at the GOP front-runner incredulously as he professed, repeatedly, his ignorance of the KKK
06/06/2016 18:02 UTC
Embattled GOP Rep. Steve King to bring "Diamond," of Diamond & Silk, as guest to State of the Union
King came under fire earlier this month for remarks he made in defense of white supremacy and white nationalism
02/05/2019 21:48 UTC
White supremacy lives on: Ferguson decision confirms absence of legal and moral justice
With "no indictment" announced against Darren Wilson, a perverted natural order of things was affirmed. Here's why
11/25/2014 08:25 UTC
Who were the Jan. 6 attackers? Isolated white folks, searching for meaning — and enemies
New research offers clearer picture: Capitol rioters were often suburban and middle-class — and many felt isolated
01/21/2022 10:45 UTC
Roger & me: Arguing with Roger Stone about a "white supremacist" hand signal
Irate emails from Roger Stone about whether his use of the "OK" hand signal was a coded shout-out to the alt-right
09/18/2018 11:00 UTC
Harris blasts Trump's actions in wake of mass shootings: Blood is streaming, and he's playing golf
Amid a pair of mass shootings, Trump was spotted posing with a wedding party and golfing at his New Jersey club
08/07/2019 03:37 UTC
Tucker Carlson warns Fox News viewers that "what you're watching is class war disguised as race war"
The Fox News host has falsely claimed that white supremacy is a "hoax," as well as "an attack on white people"
06/03/2020 16:56 UTC
White supremacy, meet black rage
How does black life come to have value in a white supremacist system, where the rules only apply to us?
07/14/2013 18:30 UTC