October 01, 2016 Archive October 2016

Lorne Michaels on "SNL" shake-up: "If you don’t keep making changes you don’t change"

BULLSH**TER OF THE DAY: David Duke, for his self-congratulatory election analysis

The big gig: Lady Gaga will perform during Super Bowl halftime show

Trump-loving Pennsylvania mayor under fire for posting racist meme depicting Obama lynching

Lessons from a "Substitute": "We need less school, less homework, less fretting about international competitiveness"

Broadcasting LGBT stories to Red State America: Groundbreaking trans casting on network shows could save lives

Our lady of the pantsuit: In praise — yes, praise! — of Hillary Clinton's style

A con is a con: Donald Trump is Bernie Madoff all over again

Crossing the thin blue line: Cops abuse power by using databases to get information for their benefit

Early voting increases turnout 2 to 4 percent, boosts voting among minorities

Challenge Donald Trump: The media needs to stop acting like the Republican nominee is reality TV

Monica Lewinsky was not "violated" — and Rudy Giuliani's sleazy claims minimize the seriousness of sexual abuse

The right's Sean Hannity problem: Conservatives loved the Fox News host until he became Trump's hatchet man

Bill Maher warns Bernie Sanders supporters considering Gary Johnson: "He's for nothing that you people want"

Sign language: Horoscopes for people oblivious to astrology

Democracy's double-edged sword

Breaking point: America approaching a period of disintegration, argues anthropologist Peter Turchin

What makes cultural appropriation different from cultural exchange

Trump drives the media nuts, literally: The Chicago Tribune's delusional Gary Johnson endorsement is a symptom of a deeper illness

Bill Maher speaks his truth: "I have never, in my entire 23 years on television, tried to offend people"