February 18, 2018 Archive February 2018

A murderous autocrat is now quoting members of Trump's inner circle verbatim

I am a "MasterChef" survivor

VA secretary's staffer departs following inspector general investigation

FDA head vows to tackle high drug prices and drugmakers "gaming the system"

Trump blames democrats for not passing gun control laws

Sign of the times? Majority of school districts now require "active shooter" drills

Why security measures won’t stop school shootings

Don Lemon flat-out says "shut up" to those who claim it's too soon to discuss gun control

Bibi's downfall: Is the most dangerous man in the Middle East done for?

Apple AirPod owners need this accessory

America’s always had black inventors — even when the patent system explicitly excluded them

Sen. Tammy Duckworth: Reject Trump's judicial nominee for his "complicity in torture"

Alabama police want to profit from innocent people

I approved this Facebook message — but you don’t know that

Law enforcement in the Trump era: Great again!

Florida student survivors announce "March For Our Lives": Here's a time to talk about gun control

Republican candidates line up against Louisiana's Democrat governor

"Black Panther" is a film about history . . . that makes history

Gov. John Kasich pleads on guns: Congress "totally dysfunctional" and Trump must lead

The Trump administration isn't even masking its contempt for the poor anymore

Full court press: GOP's state-level power grab goes far beyond Trump

Donald Trump's infrastructure con

22 million reasons black America doesn’t trust banks

Blaming everyone else, Trump has yet to condemn Russia for election interference

John Oliver gives us six lessons on how to report on Trump

3 ways the US should prepare for the next flu pandemic

"Tell Them We Are Rising": An education in resilience

Up close and personal with Matthew Heineman, director of "The Trade"

Rush Limbaugh admits his immigration fears are about voting, not security

Trump to hold "listening session" with students, teachers from Florida shooting

Five lessons Trump could learn from Lincoln

If you're blushing, you're still human: Why you should lean in to your embarrassment

Fan-favorite Olympian Adam Rippon joins NBC as correspondent

At "ground zero" for dog racing, Florida moves toward change