Showing results for: cars (page 4)

Iraqi Lawmakers Rethink Pricey Armored Car Perk
02/29/2012 18:09 UTC
Big Sales For Small Cars In February
03/01/2012 21:27 UTC
Government fuel economy standards for cars and trucks have worked
Let's take a look at historical standards that could help us with today's decision-making
04/07/2018 13:59 UTC
How Tesla and new car technologies could make auto dealers obsolete
The electric car company's sales model poses an existential threat. Our days of price haggling may finally be over
10/11/2014 16:00 UTC
The actual cost of a car can be as high as $1 million — and society pays for much of that
An economic analysis finds that the actual cost of car ownership is vastly underestimated
02/18/2022 21:00 UTC
History on wheels: Cuba’s vintage cars tell the country's story
Vintage American cars rule the road in Cuba — and they're more than just cool photo ops
03/09/2017 01:00 UTC
How self-driving cars could harm marginalized communities
The autonomous vehicle revolution could exacerbate the growing mobility divide between haves and have-nots.
03/05/2019 08:00 UTC
As Trump tries to slay the Chinese dragon
Major U.S. companies cannot be happy President Trump’s trade war with China
07/01/2018 09:58 UTC
Bring the power of Amazon's Alexa to your car
03/26/2018 11:00 UTC
A zero emissions future without the mining boom
A new report finds that the U.S. can reduce lithium demand by up to 90 percent
01/26/2023 12:15 UTC
Ford Leader Says Plan Now For Future Traffic Jams
02/27/2012 10:09 UTC
8 states pledge 3.3 million clean cars by 2025
The governors of New York and California have joined up with 6 others to push for zero-emissions vehicles
10/25/2013 00:34 UTC
Lost sleep and jangled nerves: The rising onslaught of noise harms mind and body
Noise pollution is getting harder and harder to escape in urban areas
01/06/2023 12:05 UTC
Iraqi Lawmakers Rethink Pricey Armored Car Perk
02/29/2012 18:09 UTC
How self-driving "robocabs" can revolutionize transportation and help solve climate change
Fully automated electric taxis could dramatically reduce the transportation sector's emissions, a new study finds
07/06/2015 23:12 UTC