May 11, 2014 Archive May 2014

From duck vaginas to bumblebee sex: The amazing, overlooked science of genitals

Dolly Parton on Elvis and Willie Nelson: "I still play like a child"

Mommy has anger issues! My daughters are pre-adolescent, I'm pre-menopausal

It's easier to get treated for HIV in prison than after release

This video of Michael Sam finding out he was drafted will *actually* restore your faith in humanity

Monica was our sex-ed teacher

Dozens of protesters ride in off-limits canyon

This Mother's Day, Amazon thinks I am a 1950s housewife

Are millennials too cool for sincerity? The truth about our love affair with irony

The problem with Thomas Piketty: "Capital" destroys right-wing lies, but there's one solution it forgets

The golden opportunity our cities are missing

Our shooting double standard: How do we decide which madmen are terrorists?

Watch this Mother's Day greeting from Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and "Saturday Night Live"

Cliven Bundy is the face of GOP's war on the poor

Check out Barbara Walters' surprise farewell appearance on "SNL"

Guilty mother syndrome

Here are some of the funniest "Daily Show" moments from Larry Wilmore, Stephen Colbert's successor

International disaster in the making: Inside Obama's under-the-radar plan to eviscerate the Fulbright program

The NFL draft is over, but idiots on Twitter are still being homophobic about Michael Sam

Satire's corporate takeover: "Community," "Silicon Valley" and the entertainment-industrial complex

Marco Rubio: "I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate"

Heaven is for neuroscience: How the brain creates visions of God

9 countries where genocide is most likely to happen

Watch: Bachmann goes off on Benghazi, accuses Democrats of trying to "sabotage" hearings