June 17, 2018 Archive June 2018

When erratic teenage behavior means something more

A Father’s Day reminder from science: Your kids aren’t really growing up quickly

Rick Santorum admits Trump leads a "cult of personality"

Trump’s Consumer Safety Commission gives baby chair makers a pass

Mainstream pundits worry: Threat of nuclear war may be reduced, and we can't have that

America's patriotic fervor is a epidemic problem, supported by the GOP

Dads want paid leave too — and they use it when they get it

For big corporations, wage theft penalties are the price of doing business

Facing death on the mountain: What my father taught me on his last great climb

Open up new horizons by learning to speed read

Save over 50% on total surround-sound earbuds

Trump administration threatens health care for 130 million people with pre-existing conditions

Politicians and media don't understand how hacking works

At least one dead and 20 injured after shooting at all-night arts festival in Trenton, New Jersey

This is what a pre-moon Speedmaster watch is worth

How racial profiling goes unchecked in immigration enforcement

From Harry Truman to Donald Trump: A long political realignment brought us to this disaster

Steve Bannon: Martin Luther King, Jr. "would be proud" of what President Donald Trump has done

New research suggests fit fathers make for healthier babies

Postpartum depression can also affect dads

Roger Stone met with Russian national who offered "dirt" on Hillary Clinton for $2 million: report

The way of fatherhood, "Cobra Kai"-style: Watch this show today with your dad — or your kids

Rudy Giuliani: President Donald Trump could use his pardon power once Mueller investigation ends

Can Facebook use AI to fight online abuse?

Ode to the Western Oyster

What it's like growing up with an LGBT parent, in their kids' own words

9 useful ways Amazon Alexa can help you in the kitchen

Why white nationalists love the mystery of Roanoke, the lost colony