July 06, 2016 Archive July 2016

AP FACT CHECK: Clinton email claims collapse under FBI probe

"The other side has got nothing to offer you": President Obama "goes off script" in first campaign rally with Clinton

Life of an author on the internet: "Someone on Goodreads took the time to write out 'Meh' as their whole review"

Pop culture still fails queer people: Sanitizing LGBT romance is a tradition Hollywood can't seem to break

Meet North Korea's perfect family: Totalitarianism, Trump and the politics of non-thought

Crews battle blaze at Bosque del Apache refuge in New Mexico

Where the stoners are: America's top 10 pot-smoking states

Rising temperatures hurt workers: Toiling away in heat can be dangerous, even fatal

Elie Wiesel's two sides: The Holocaust survivor gave voice to Jewish victims while ignoring others' suffering

We need more democracy: Our best hope for political reform is to push for a more inclusive system

There's no cleaning this up: Paul Ryan refuses to break his deal with the devil

The disturbing data on Republicans and racism: Trump backers are the most bigoted within the GOP

Playing the "rigged" card: Trump, Jones and other conspiracy mongers must look within the GOP for the legit scandals

Derek Jeter gets apology from Air Force over Facebook post

WATCH: GOP strategist Rick Wilson tells Chris Hayes the real rationale behind Trump's anti-Semitism

Dana and Donald: The California rep would be a match made in twisted-politics heaven for Trump

WATCH: Trump offers bold new legal standard of guilt to Bill O'Reilly — “Everybody says she's extremely guilty!"

WATCH: Paul Ryan claims FBI's decision in Hillary's email case proves the Clintons "live above the law"

WATCH: Joe Scarborough laments "we now have two candidates running for president who are completely disconnected from the truth"

"Not being indicted should never ever be your good news": Trevor Noah on Hillary's email flap

James Comey just became the newest target of Republican outrage: House GOP call on FBI head to testify on Clinton email investigation

Obama expected to leave approximately 8,400 troops in Afghanistan

Pistorius sentencing's shameful truth: Justice is different for "promising" male athletes

WATCH: Fox News contributor slams Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson for defending his praise of Saddam Hussein

It's not just Saddam Hussein: Trump has a long history of googly-eyed admiration for dictators

Bombshell sexual harassment allegations at Fox News: Longtime host Gretchen Carlson sues Roger Ailes after being fired

Imprisoned whistleblower Chelsea Manning hospitalized after suspected suicide attempt, reports say

Latest on Baton Rouge police shooting: Justice Department to open investigation into death of Alton Sterling

On National Kissing Day, celebrate the science and art of kissing — from chemical "sparks" to the thrill of early desire

She brought this on herself: Clinton's mishandling of the email scandal will — and should — hurt her

The Ailes lawsuit: The latest chapter in Fox News' rich history of alleged sexual harassment

Jonah Lehrer is back: Does a disgraced writer deserve another shot at nonfiction?

Gretchen Carlson isn't the first to speak out: Roger Ailes has a long history of alleged sexism

William Armstrong, ex-US senator for Colorado, dies at 79