November 15, 2018 Archive November 2018

Omarosa on Trump: "The only thing that gets him excited is chaos and controversy and conflict"

POUTUS: Not tough on allies, Trump is just petulant and unlikeable

Play your old favorite video games with this retro console

Inside the "soy boy" conspiracy theory: It combines misogyny and the warped world of pseudosciece

Facebook hired GOP consultancy that used anti-Semitic dogwhistles to smear protesters: report

This supercharged travel adapter can power five gadgets

These high-end headphones are less than $100

Border Patrol security chief nails "Fox & Friends" for fake news coverage on migrant caravan

The other victims of California’s fires: Workers inhaling toxic fumes

Melania grabs more power as White House infighting nears "Civil War-like levels"

Will New Jersey deliver on its promise of a $15 minimum wage before Christmas?

Black Friday came early with these MacBook and iPad deals

Former vice chairperson of the California GOP says party "isn’t salvageable"

Theresa May's Brexit dance of death: Understanding the British P.M.'s path to doomsday

Trump ending nuclear treaty paves way for "usable" weapons

Want proof that voting matters? Trump and his forces don't want you to do it

Kevin McCarthy staves off a right-wing challenger in election to be next House minority leader

President Donald Trump has little support for 2020 reelection bid, according to new Monmouth poll

"South Park" blames climate change on Grandpa's selfishness and it's barely a metaphor at this point

Jeff Flake is willing to hold up Trump's judicial nominations if Robert Mueller is not protected

Tell us: Did your pet change your life for better — or worse?

Yes, the campaign to take down Nancy Pelosi is sexist — not to mention a terrible idea

Nancy Pelosi's campaign to become speaker of the House hits a snag as a potential challenger emerges

Take your 4K TV to new heights with total surround lighting

LAPD detectives arrest attorney Michael Avenatti on on suspicion of domestic violence

Federal judge rebukes Florida GOP by letting 4,000 disenfranchised voters cure their ballots

The first congressional race to be decided by ranked-choice voting was just won by a Democrat

The jagged hindsight of "The Clinton Affair": 20 years later, it looks like a different story

Why your search results are sexist and racist: A conversation about Google's blind spots

Federal judge in Florida allows thousands of voters a chance to fix their rejected ballots

Tim Blake Nelson, Coen Brothers muse, "never expected to have a career as a film actor"

Tell us: Thanksgiving doorbuster or a Xmas Eve procrastinator?

QAnon's true believers are devastated as the conspiracy theory goes down in flames

Just 17 percent of Americans think House Democrats should re-elect Nancy Pelosi as speaker: poll

Donald Trump Jr.'s business trip to India cost US taxpayers nearly $100,000: report

Donald Trump taps Mar-a-Lago member with no diplomatic experience to be ambassador to South Africa