November 22, 2013 Archive November 2013

Climate denying group compares U.N. talks to the Holocaust

The best of Monty Python's delightful Reddit AMA

GOP finds cure for bad public schools in Pennsylvania: God!

The National Book Awards get it right

"Falling Upwards": The weird and wonderful history of the hot air balloon

Reid goes nuclear -- now bring on the liberal activist judges!

Rising corporate espionage: Why we need Jeremy Hammond

Mitch McConnell: Biggest loser!

New York Post: Charles Manson dates woman with wedding fever

Rand Paul: Harry Reid is "a big bully"

Mike Allen should just admit he does advocacy journalism

The downfall of the Brazilian: Bikini waxes could be on the way out

This is what it sounds like when an elephant is shot and killed by poachers

Harvard can save us from global warming apocalypse

Charles Payne: Men on Social Security Disability are "eunuchs"

Monty Python's 10 best sketches

Ontario ditches coal

Ending fire zone subsidies is no Ayn Rand fantasy

The National's Bryce Dessner: The secret about advice is knowing when to ignore it

"Getting On": A story of American healthcare, told through poop jokes

Pick of the week: Noam Chomsky and Michel Gondry, together at last

New HBO Comedy Series, "Getting On"

The right's JFK myth: Now they claim he was conservative

Uh-oh, there's a new Thomas Friedman!

5 signs the rich have way too much money

GOP is literally killing its base

Further evidence for a universal law of commuting

Why you spend more on warm days

Jobless claims fall to lowest level in two months

This former librarian single-handedly taped 35 years of TV news

Where did "Black Friday" get its name?

Humans shipped across the country: How America exports inmates to private prisons

Homeless in the tech economy

Must-see morning clip: How to avoid racial profiling on Black Friday

Store videos capture a year of police racism

North Carolina private school institutes policy to ban LGBT children and families

Paul Krugman: Expand Social Security!

When was your last visit to a national park?

Republicans' health care hypocrisy

Spend your Thanksgiving with Stephen Colbert

George Zimmerman could still get his guns back

Ted Cruz meets the birther-in-chief

Rick Perry: Accepting Obama’s Medicaid expansion "like putting 1,000 more people on the Titanic"

The truth about JFK and Vietnam: Why the speculation is wrong-headed

Meet the new holiday tradition: Black Friday starts before Thanksgiving now

After GOP "reforms," Texas family planning program serving 77 percent fewer women

Starbucks union-buster is ironic winner after liberals push nuclear option

Jennifer Lawrence to Jon Stewart: "You are so weird"

Weird Al Yankovic supports marriage equality

Scott Walker: War on Women is "insulting"

Baby boomers in media make the Kennedy assassination all about them

Posthumous pardon granted to Scottsboro boys

End the 1 percent's free ride: Taxing land would solve America's biggest problems

"Girls" Season 3: Twerking on a tombstone and hiking in the woods

"Philomena": The nuns stole her baby, 50 years ago

Whoops! Obamacare turns out to be great deal personally for Boehner