February 21, 2014 Archive February 2014

Texas lawmakers celebrate "achievements" in women's health as thousands go without care

Glassholes: Google recognizes its monstrous spawn

The right's warped "purity" culture: 4 ways evangelical views of sex took over America

Michael B. Jordan's casting in "Fantastic Four" brings out the trolls, again

Scott Walker's pathetic fall: Another one bites the dust!

Sexism plagues major chemistry conference: Boycott emerges amid growing outrage

It still isn't over: The polar vortex is about to hit for the third time

Why creationists can't be scientists

GOP's lame new talking point: Why they're wrong about the minimum wage and jobs

Former GOP House Majority Leader Tom Delay: Americans have forgotten that God "wrote the Constitution"

GOP congressman says Kirsten Gillibrand only seeking "attention" with military sexual assault proposal

Michele Bachmann says Americans "aren't ready" for a female president

EPA moves to toughen pesticide safety standards for the first time in 20 years

Actually, climate trolls, January ended up being the fourth-warmest on record

America's civil-rights disgrace: What Congress can learn from Michael Sam

Our figure-skating obsession: Why America loves watching women fall

Great literary husbands: The men who supported genius

"Omar": A devious Hitchcock thriller, in Palestine

Are Republicans even trying? Another Obamacare horror story bites the dust

How the Facebook economy is costing us big

Rand Paul's audacious new sham: A phony religious epiphany

5 of the worst states to grow up poor

Your dog can tell from your voice if you're happy or sad

18 hilariously terrible sex tips that all men should ignore

How to make sense of the violence in Ukraine

Scarlett Johansson's Oscar snub: Why her supporting turn was perfect

Watch an elephant reunited with her own kind after 37 years

GOP's war on "hookup culture": Tennessee Republicans enraged by college Sex Week

Sochi Olympics: Figure skating's unexpected win

Must-see morning clip: Michelle Obama had a dance party with Jimmy Fallon and Will Ferrell

Darkness in the heart of America: Why the Snowden docs should really make us nervous

Chris Christie update: A new, mansion-size scandal?

7 foods that were supposed to be incredibly unhealthy — but are actually anything but

Will Ferrell figure skated to the "Downton Abbey" theme song and it was awesome

This goes beyond Hot Pockets: 8.7 million pounds is a lot of "diseased and unsound" beef

Discrimination made legal: Judge rules on NYPD Muslim spying

People who call climate deniers "climate deniers" should be called "global warming Nazis," says climate denier

Stephen Colbert to Bill O'Reilly: "With all due respect, you're an idiot"

Octogenarian former governor and ex-con Edwin Edwards is thinking about running for Congress

How today's sexy sci-fi shuts out the nerds

Idaho wants to go ahead and get rid of all EPA regulations

Tea Party Rep. Steve King still thinks DREAMers are drug mules

California drought beer is going to taste awful

Krugman: The "tragic" story of Obama's stimulus

Upcoming Obama budget to be an implicit call to end austerity

Children murdered, homes foreclosed: How the government makes "mistakes" with impunity

Railroads agree to help prevent their oil trains from derailing and exploding

Republicans will miss Leno because he was terrible